9.45 –10.00

Kevin O'Dwyer

10.00 –10.50

Keynote address:

Alfio Bonanno      The Inner Landscape

11.20 - 12.50     Session 1

Art in the Land –Historical and contemporary

Session chair: Paula Murphy   
art in the land/ land in the art


Gabriel Cooney    
Lines and circles on the land: transforming the landscape in    Irish prehistory
Alan Counihan     Rites of Way
Alfio Bonanno (discussion panel)


Session 2      1.35 – 3.30

Panel: Beyond the permanent 
Session Chair :
Pat Cooke


Nigel Rolfe         Contested Ground  
Adele O’Dwyer  Landscape in sound
Nick Bryson       Sculpture into Movement
Ian Russell         (Panel discussion)


 Session 3      3.45 – 5.30

John Grande       A Revolving Landscape- ecology and art

Steven Siegel      
Site Works (mostly) 1981-2009


Panel Discussion

Art in the Land Conference 2010

September 18th, 2010
Teach Lea Community Hall
Boora, Co. Offaly

“… Sculpture is an art of the open air. Daylight, sunlight, is necessary to it. And for me its best setting and complement is nature”.   Henry Moore

The Conference will explore issues of current sculpture language and materiality, and the breadth of current sculpture practice encompassing permanent, temporary, environmental and performance art .


​​​​Sculpture in the Parklands


Evening performance 

Black is the Earth   Adele O’Dwyer

Transect   Grace Weir

Sculpture into Movement    Legitimate Bodies Dance Company